Goran Petkovic, State Secretary for Tourism talks about the third master plan for Kopaonik for daily newspapers"Blic".
There are currently analysis of existing accommodation and entertainment capacity and ski resorts, access roads for parking, and all about what we know that is a problem, as well as the proposal for the next phase of development. Kopaonik has great potential and we have identified some of his two possibilities in its further development. Furthermore, we have several evident problems that we need to be solved. Traffic jam is crucial, too many private cars in the insufficient capacity for parking, water supply and waste water, as well as inadequate structure of the existing ski resorts. Namely, according to the old system when the ski lifts were to be disposed, tender was placed for each ski lift and manufacturers applied for it, who then built ski lift at a certain place, that were for them, in a certain period of time, economic optimum, and not in the way that suited best for the skiers.
Foreigners disapprove because ski lifts are not placed on the optimal way. So, when we know which of the two options will be approved, then we will know new reschedule of ski lifts. This is a long-term plan that will work for a few years. Some of the ski lifts will be taken off and moved to another tracks, perhaps even to other mountains and ski resorts will be optimized from the aspect of winter, but also from the aspect of summer sports.
Source: Blic