Wantto seethe beautyof Kopaonikfrom another angle,flyandbeatfear of heights?Paraglidingisright for you!Paraglidingorparachutingsailing istherecreational andcompetitive sportwhich belongs to theAeronautical-extreme sports,and flyingaparaglideris oneof the easiest andsimplestways to achieveman''sdream offlying.
This aspect of the sport in recent years developed rapidly since it does not require large financial resources. Paragliding represents the aircraft without any additional engines. Equipment for paragliding is as follows: The parachute sailing (wing),
headquarters and system connectivity, reserve parachute, helmet,
protective footwear, gloves, clothing and equipment for the connection
and navigation. On Kopaonik you will fly tandem paraglider that represents the aircraft that is designed for pilots and passengers. Tandem wing has a larger surface area and has a limited flight possibilities for the safety of passengers. Passenger is located on an independent seat, with the pilot and the wing is connected to a particular piece of equipment. Helmet and parachute are an essential piece of equipment. Take-off
(Running, stop the slopes) is carried from the site CESE Eagle (White)
wall (across from Srebrnac) and flying from the valley to Brzece. If weather conditions allow it is possible tandem flight from Pancic peak. Length of flight depends on weather conditions. Most
often in Kopaonik flying takes about 30 minutes, and in ideal weather
conditions it is possible to fly for hours and go dozens of kilometers
(the world record is 400km). Maximum height to reach the paragliders is over 3000m and each flight control flight logs.