
The Serbian language is one of the standard versions of the Stokavian dialect, used primarily in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and by Serbs everywhere. The former standard was known as Serbo-Croatian language, now split into Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian standards.

The Serbian alphabet is very consistent: one letter per sound with an insignificant number of exceptions. This phonetic principle is represented in the saying: “Write as you speak and read as it is written”, the principle used by Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic when reforming the Cyrillic spelling of Serbian in the 19th century.

Another rare feature of Serbian language is the presence of two alphabets: Cyrillic and Latin. The two alphabets are almost equivalent; the only difference is in the glyphs used. This is due to historical reasons; Serbian once being a part of the Serbo-Croat unification brought Latinic usage into Serbia.

Serbian: српски, srpski - /srp-skee/(srpskee)
hello: здраво, zdravo /zdrA-vO/ (z like in zebra)
good morning: добро јутро dobro jutro
good afternoon: добар дан, dobar dan
good evening: добро вече, dobro veče
good-bye: довиђења doviđenja /dOvidjεnja/
please: молим molim /mO-lim/ (moleem)
thank you: хвала hvala /hvA-la/
that one: то to (not as English to)
how much?: колико? koliko? /ko-lε-ko/ (coleeco, co-, -co => cup)
English: енглески engleski /εn-glε-ski/(-skee)
yes: да da /dA/
no: не ne /nε/
generic toast: живели! ziveli! /ʒi-vε-li/(zhiveli)
sorry: извините izvinite /ezveeneete/ (formal)
I don’t understand: не разумем ne razumem /nεrAzUmem/
Where is [the bathroom (toilet)]?: Где је тоалет? Gde jetoalet? /gdε jε toAlEt/
Do you speak English?: Да ли говорите енглески? Da li govorite engleski?

А а - A a is pronounced like a in father.
Б б - B b is pronounced like b in bed.
В в - V v is pronounced like v in very.
Г г - G g is pronounced like g in good.
Д д - D d is pronounced like din day.
Ђ ђ -Đ đ is pronounced like j in joy.
E e - E e is pronounced like e in men.
Ж ж - Z z is pronounced like su in lesure.
З з - Z z is pronounced like z in zoo.
И и - I i is pronounced like i in h e.
ј ј - J j is pronounced like y in you.
К к - K k is pronounced like k in kind.
Л л - L l is pronounced like l in look.
Љ љ - LJ lj is pronounced like li in million.
M м - M m is pronounced like m in moon.
Н н - N n is pronounced like n in not.
Њ њ - NJ nj is pronounced like ni in onion.
O o - O o is pronounced like oo in door.
П п - P p is pronounced like p in pen.
Р р - R r is pronounced like r in room.
С с - S s is pronounced like s in son.
T т - T t is pronounced like t in top.
Ћ ћ - Ć ć is pronounced like ch in check.
У y - U u is pronounced like u in rule.
Ф ф - F f is pronounced like f in fish.
Х х - H h is pronounced like h in his.
Ц ц - C c is pronounced like ts in lots.
Ч ч - Č č is pronounced like ch in chalk.
Џ џ - Dz dz is pronounced like j in joy.
Ш ш - Š š is pronounced like sh in she.
Sunčana dolina
Malo jezero
Pančićev vrh
Duboka 1
Karaman greben
Mali karaman
Mali karaman A
Marine vode A
Marine vode
Gobelja relej
Kneževske bare
Gondola Brzeće
Duboka 2
Vučak 2
Snow park
Ski track Jaram
Ski track Kindergarten
Children's Park

Night M.jezero
Night KGB
Night Pančić

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28.03.2025. 06:50 Temp.
Sunčana dol.
Wind Humidity Snow depth
Slaba kiša 2,4°C 3°C 6,8  m/s (ENE) 97% 0cm
Weather conditions Feels
Temp. Pančić
6,8 m/s
Pressure 815 hPa Pistes
10-30 cm