Ski tracks and lifts
Ski mapa KopaonikNa skijalištu Ski centra Kopaonik izgrađeno je 21 instalaciju i 4 pokretne trake. Ukupna horizontalna dužina žičara je 23.723 m, ukupna visinska razlika 5.117 m, a njihov ukupni kapacitet je 33.834 osoba/čas, što može da zadovolji 12.000 - 14.000 jednovremenih skijaša. U Ski centru na teritoriji NP izgrađeno je i uređeno je 48 alpskih ski-staza, 30 ski-puteva i dva poligona za obuku početnika. 
At the Ski Center Kopaonik ski resort, 21 installations have been built (5 detachable quad chairs, 2 fixed quad chairs, 3 detachable six-seat chairs, a gondola, and 9 ski lifts) along with 4 conveyor belts. The total horizontal length of the ski lifts is 23,723 m, the total vertical drop is 5,117 m, and their total capacity is 33,834 persons/hour, which can accommodate 12,000-14,000 simultaneous skiers. Within the National Park territory, the Ski Center has built and maintained 48 alpine ski slopes, 30 ski trails, and two beginner training grounds.

Out of 17 foreign ski lifts, 8 are Austrian-made Doppelmayer (built between 2005 and 2010), 5 are Austrian-made Bruckschogl from 2010, and 3 are Italian-made Leitner from 2016 and 2020. One double ski lift is a product of Turkish manufacturer STM Teleferik from 2018.

Out of 8 domestic ski lifts, 7 were produced by Energoinvest, Sarajevo, in the period between 1980 and 1990, and 1 was produced by RTB Bor in 1992.

The speeds of ski lifts are as follows: for domestic ski lifts, 2.5-3.5 m/s, for foreign ski lifts, 2.0-3.5 m/s, for foreign quad chairs, 2.6-5.0 m/s, for foreign six-seat chairs, 5.0 m/s, and for the Brzeće gondola, 6 m/s.

The total power of the motor drives of all existing ski lifts is around 6,000 kW. The individual power of the motor drives ranges from 11-150 kW for ski lifts, 130-413 kW for quad chairs, 378-600 kW for six-seat chairs, and 1350 kW for the Brzeće-Mali Karaman gondola.

Within the National Park territory, the Ski Center has built and maintained 48 alpine ski slopes, 30 ski trails, and two beginner training grounds. The total length of the ski slopes is 43,586 m, with an average width of 36.5 m and a total surface area of 152.21 ha. The ski slope inclines range from 5 to 44%. The total length of the ski trails is 15,931 m, with an average width of over 12 m (due to three ski trails that are 40 m wide), and a total surface area of 24.2 ha. The ski trail inclines range from 2-23%.

In the "blue" category, there are 24 slopes with a total length of 22,030 m, an average width of 35.2 m, a total surface area of 75.59 ha, and inclines of 5-23%. There are 19 "blue" ski trails, with an average width just over 12 m and inclines of 2-19%.

In the "red" category, there are 15 slopes with a total length of 13,566 m, an average width of 33.2 m, a total surface area of 42.04 ha, and inclines of 16-31%. There are 3 "red" ski trails, with an average width of 12 m and inclines of 8-23%.

In the "black" category, there are 9 slopes with a total length of 7,723 m, an average width of 45.6 m, a total surface area of 21.1 ha, and inclines of 27-44%. There are 8 "black" ski trails, with an average width of 12-40 m and inclines of 17-20%.
In relation to standards, based on the average slopes up to 40%, all ski slopes are essentially in the categories of easy and intermediate. Out of 48 slopes, 35 have vertical drops of less than 300 meters allowed for beginners. Out of 30 ski trails, 8 have slopes greater than 12% (up to 23%), and three ski trails (connections 14-6, 16-14, and 16-18) have characteristics of ski slopes in terms of length, width, vertical drops, and slopes.

The total capacity of the existing alpine ski slopes and ski trails in the Kopaonik Ski Center, covering a total area of 176.73 hectares, is approximately 5,307 simultaneous skiers (333 square meters per skier).

Out of 48 ski slopes, 23 are artificially snow-covered on 886,800 square meters (or 58.5% of the total ski slope area), while out of 30 ski trails, 10 are snow-covered on 99,040 square meters (or 47.3% of the total ski trail area).

Five ski slopes have FIS homologation (slopes 6 and 6a with the Duboka I chairlift, slope 13 with the Gobelja chairlift, slope 19c with the Gvozdac chairlift, and slope 4b with the Pančićev vrh chairlift). Twelve snow groomers are used for slope maintenance, lift maintenance, and other official needs during the winter season.

Three slopes at Malo jezero (2), Pančićev vrh (4b), and Karaman greben (7a) are lit for night skiing, which operates from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM during the season.

Nordic skiing facilities are not yet a commercial offering of the Kopaonik Ski Center, although this type of recreation takes place on existing forest and field roads and paths in the Ravan Kopaonik area north of the Suvo Rudište complex and on the Karaman greben - Mali karaman stretch. Panoramic rides are organized on certain chairlifts, while special tracks are available for snowmobile rides.

It is important to note that all slopes are interconnected and a few dozen meters away from the central hotel complex (ski to door). There is a regular bus line for hotels, apartments, cottages, and other accommodation facilities located away from the lift stations.

For safety on the ski slopes, the Mountain Rescue Service is organized, which ensures your safety throughout the season on all slopes of the Kopaonik Tourist Center. In case of need, please contact the nearest GSS member, hotel reception, or the 24-hour GSS service. 

Instalacije u ski centru Kopaonik
num ime instalacije tip dužina (m) kapacitet razlika (m) vreme
1 Sunčana dolina 963 2070 191 6,10
2 Malo jezero 450 880 76 2,30
3 Krst 671 2018 116 4,30
4 Pančićev vrh 1393 2400 248 4,64
5 Treska 781 900 200 5.40
6 Duboka I 1409 1800 385 4,69
7 Karaman greben 1225 3000 173 4.08
8 Mali karaman 1042 2400 193 6.67
8a Mali karaman A 1082 900 193 5,00
9 Marine vode A 909 900 187 4,50
9a Marine vode 909 1800 187 4,50
10 Karaman 857 900 140 4,50
11 Jaram 598 900 68 3.00
12 Gobelja relej 705 960 180 3,50
13 Gobelja 878 2400 232 3.21
14 Kneževske bare 836 900 149 4,50
15 Brzeće - Mali karaman 3745 1600 844 12,5
19 Gvozdac 1500 1800 384 4,11
20 Duboka 2 1107 1800 395 3.69
21 Krčmar 1939 1800 471 6.46
22 Mašinac 300 450 45 2.00
24 Vučak 2 222 706 20 2.50
26 Traka Jaram 70 200 10 2,00
27 Traka Ski vrtić 72 175 5 2,00
28 Traka Mašinac 60 175 25 2,00
Staze u ski centru Kopaonik
num ime staze dužina (m) širina (m) površina (m2) težina
1 Sunčana dolina 1052 41 43160 Laka
1a Sunčana dolina 559 43 24040 Laka
1b Sunčana dolina 1116 41 45880 Laka
1c Sunčana dolina 1098 10.2 11228 Laka
2 Malo jezero 522 40.6 21199 Laka
3 Krst 515 49.3 25398 Laka
3a Krst 647 84.3 54524 Laka
4 Pančićev vrh 691 23.9 16524 Srednja
4a Pančićev vrh 786 28.8 22633 Srednja
4b Pančićev vrh 1322 32 42317 Srednja
4c Pančićev vrh 785 23.3 18274 Srednja
4d Pančićev vrh 1272 28.5 36199 Laka
4e Pančićev vrh 466 40.5 18869 Laka
5a Treska 1304 22.8 29700 Laka
6 Duboka 1 1046 36.5 38152 Teška
6a Duboka 1 1596 36.9 58887 Srednja
6b Duboka 1 661 31.4 20724 Srednja
6c Duboka 1 653 40 26120 Srednja
7 Karaman greben 1275 28.2 35952 Laka
7a Karaman greben 1160 28.3 32766 Laka
7b Karaman greben 621 41.3 25664 Laka
7c Karaman greben 288 42.4 12224 Laka
8 Mali karaman 1221 35.5 43391 Laka
8a Mali karaman 1236 33.3 41149 Laka
9 Marine vode 952 21.5 20497 Laka
9a Marine vode 1419 32 45339 Laka
10 Karaman 1029 31.3 32195 Laka
11 Jaram 625 35.5 22167 Laka
12 Gobelja relej 644 28 18055 Srednja
12a Gobelja relej 661 42.1 27849 Laka
13 Gobelja 599 49 29351 Teška
13a Gobelja 1001 37.6 37647 Srednja
13b Gobelja 532 40 21280 Srednja
13c Gobelja 576 39.8 22937 Teška
13d Gobelja 545 35.4 19270 Srednja
13e Gobelja 138 36.3 5010 Srednja
13f Gobelja 591 44.6 26385 Teška
14 Kneževske bare 817 38.6 31545 Laka
15 Brzeće-Mali karaman 1887 20 37740 Laka
15a Brzeće-Mali karaman 1540 41.7 64180 Teška
19 Gvozdac 1297 47.3 61333 Teška
19a Gvozdac 949 43.2 40979 Teška
19b Gvozdac 787 54.5 42930 Teška
19c Gvozdac 338 53.8 18173 Teška
20 Duboka 2 733 35.4 25950 Srednja
21 Krčmar 2020 28.2 57003 Srednja
21a Krčmar 1459 40.2 58690 Srednja
22 Mašinac 345 25.3 8718 Laka
24 Vučak 2 213 23.5 5013 Laka
Ski putevi U ski centru Kopaonik
ime puta dužina (m) širina (m) površina (m2)
Malo jezero - Sunčana dolina 120 12 1440
Malo jezero - Krst 90 20 1800
Krst staza 3 - Krsta staza 3a 110 33 3630
Krst izlaz - Staza 4c 172 16 2751
Mašinac - Karaman greben 209 12 2508
Karaman greben - Pajino preslo 997 20 19940
Pajino preslo - Mašinac 545 23 12535
Duboka - Pajino preslo 417 12 5004
Pajino preslo - Duboka 89 30 2670
Karaman greben - Mali Karaman (plato) 661 12 7932
Karaman greben - Mali karaman 564 12 4848
Mali karaman - Karaman greben 549 12 6588
Mali karaman - Marine vode 425 12 5100
Marine vode - Karaman 120 12 1440
Marine vode - Mali karaman 331 12 3972
Mali karaman - Vučak 2 253 12 3036
Gobelja relej - Jaram 1000 12 12000
Gobelja relej - Gobelja 262 12 3144
Jaram - Gobelja relej 927 12 11124
Karaman - Gvozdac 1216 12 14592
Karaman greben - Kneževe bare 587 12 7044
Međustanica Gondola - Gvozdac 19 1324 12 15888
Međustanica Gondola - 19c 794 12 9528
Gvozdac - Ledenice 419 12 5028
Gvozdac - Ledenice 358 12 4296
Međustanica Gondola - Kneževske bare 757 12 9084
Kneževske bare - Duboka 1010 20 20200
Duboka 1 - Krčmar 452 20 9040
Krčmar - Duboka 1 273 20 5460
Pogledajte snimke svih staza sa Kopaonika:
Pogledajte snimke svih ski puteva sa Kopaonika:
Sunčana dolina
Malo jezero
Pančićev vrh
Duboka 1
Karaman greben
Mali karaman
Mali karaman A
Marine vode
Marine vode A
Gobelja relej
Kneževske bare
Gondola Brzeće
Duboka 2
Vučak 2
Snow park
Ski track Jaram
Ski track Kindergarten
Children's Park

Night M.jezero
Night KGB
Night Pančić

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25.03.2025. 07:10 Temp.
Sunčana dol.
Wind Humidity Snow depth
Magla 3,9°C 3°C 5,8  m/s (S) 97% 0cm
Weather conditions Feels
Temp. Pančić
5,8 m/s
Pressure 828,4 hPa Pistes
10-30 cm